Saturday, May 30, 2009

The "Bishop-Brick"

At our house we ALWAYS pray for the Bishopric. It has been so for years. At least as long as Dan has been a member of ours. It has become clear through this story that our children have absulutely NO IDEA what that concept means.

I served my mission in upstate NY at all the church history sites. While I was there, they began the massive project of renovating the Grandin Building where the Book of Mormon was published. As one of the "site sisters", I got lots of perks one of which was this brick. This is one of the original bricks that built the Grandin Publishing Building. Kind of a fun thing that has been sitting on a shelf out of sight and mind for some time.

The other day I was cleaning off some shelves. Arden came in and asked about the brick.

"Mom? What is that brick for?" I readied myself to show off one of my church history prizes and teach her a little, but before I could respond--"Oh, I know. That is to remind us of the bishopbrick."


  1. Looks like you are laying a Grandin foundation there with yer kidlets!

  2. I LOVE when kids misunderstand what you said! They hear the phonics because they don't have the vocabulary for the right word. Like when Ember said she was reading the Diary of a Wimpy Kid and Grace asked why she was reading diarrhea.

  3. Love it! Way cute. Thanks for sharing.
    Heidi Porter Walsh

  4. This has nothing to do with this particular post (but it is a lovely brick), but I was noticing what wonderful taste you have in blog


