Saturday, May 30, 2009

The "Bishop-Brick"

At our house we ALWAYS pray for the Bishopric. It has been so for years. At least as long as Dan has been a member of ours. It has become clear through this story that our children have absulutely NO IDEA what that concept means.

I served my mission in upstate NY at all the church history sites. While I was there, they began the massive project of renovating the Grandin Building where the Book of Mormon was published. As one of the "site sisters", I got lots of perks one of which was this brick. This is one of the original bricks that built the Grandin Publishing Building. Kind of a fun thing that has been sitting on a shelf out of sight and mind for some time.

The other day I was cleaning off some shelves. Arden came in and asked about the brick.

"Mom? What is that brick for?" I readied myself to show off one of my church history prizes and teach her a little, but before I could respond--"Oh, I know. That is to remind us of the bishopbrick."

Sunday, May 17, 2009

William Gets in Trouble...Again

Two weeks ago I got tired of my long haired boys and took them to my sister-in-law, Vanessa, who is a wonder with scissors for "summer hair cuts with shape". They were fabulous! I could do the little spikey thing in front when I felt like it, and it was off their ears, and they looked like little boys!

Just this past Thursday, I found little chunks of hair on the bathroom floor--never a good sign. I didn't have to look far for the victim. William had some nice sized gouges. I went into detective mode and started asking questions. I asked William who did it and he told me Arden. Arden vehemently denied it and was supported by her friend who was visiting. I asked William again who did it and he told me he didn't know or "I forgot" or "no one". I told him he could sit in the kitchen chair until he could tell me who did it.

It didn't take long sitting in the chair for him to spit it out.

"Mom, the person who cut my hair's name starts with a W."

I thanked him for his honesty and told him that we had to give him a hair cut. He hates hair cuts so I thought this would engender fear and teach him a lesson. He was really pretty good through the whole thing and afterword, I couldn't deny that he looks pretty good almost bald. I guess his "punishment" was for mom to call him "cute" and 'hot" instead of his preferred, "good looking".

Dan thinks he looks like one of the little Ethiopian kids only white.

Henry is Usually so Good at School

I am going to let this one pretty much speak for itself. Short version, I helped out in Henry's first grade class every other Monday this past year. I am always proud to see Henry's work. He tries so hard to do his best and has a natural gift with letters, numbers and all things academic. One day I was putting their spelling tests up on the "Bravo" bulletin board and I was naturally proud of my child's 100%... until I looked at his name.

