Saturday, May 30, 2009
The "Bishop-Brick"
At our house we ALWAYS pray for the Bishopric. It has been so for years. At least as long as Dan has been a member of ours. It has become clear through this story that our children have absulutely NO IDEA what that concept means.
I served my mission in upstate NY at all the church history sites. While I was there, they began the massive project of renovating the Grandin Building where the Book of Mormon was published. As one of the "site sisters", I got lots of perks one of which was this brick. This is one of the original bricks that built the Grandin Publishing Building. Kind of a fun thing that has been sitting on a shelf out of sight and mind for some time.
The other day I was cleaning off some shelves. Arden came in and asked about the brick.
"Mom? What is that brick for?" I readied myself to show off one of my church history prizes and teach her a little, but before I could respond--"Oh, I know. That is to remind us of the bishopbrick."
Sunday, May 17, 2009
William Gets in Trouble...Again
Just this past Thursday, I found little chunks of hair on the bathroom floor--never a good sign. I didn't have to look far for the victim. William had some nice sized gouges. I went into detective mode and started asking questions. I asked William who did it and he told me Arden. Arden vehemently denied it and was supported by her friend who was visiting. I asked William again who did it and he told me he didn't know or "I forgot" or "no one". I told him he could sit in the kitchen chair until he could tell me who did it.
It didn't take long sitting in the chair for him to spit it out.
"Mom, the person who cut my hair's name starts with a W."
I thanked him for his honesty and told him that we had to give him a hair cut. He hates hair cuts so I thought this would engender fear and teach him a lesson. He was really pretty good through the whole thing and afterword, I couldn't deny that he looks pretty good almost bald. I guess his "punishment" was for mom to call him "cute" and 'hot" instead of his preferred, "good looking".
Henry is Usually so Good at School
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Christmas in April
He rang the doorbell and I opened it to a grubby faced 3 year old singing...(to the tune of Happy Birthday)
"Happy Birthday to you.
You live in a zoo.
Christmas is coming,
And you are a Christmas tree."
Ahh, Christmas in April! It would have made a great April Fool's joke if it had been a day earlier.
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Man! I have the greatest kids in the world. Each one is a treasure. Almost makes me want to see if we can make another one just as great... ALMOST!
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Finally!!! He LOST one!
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Dieting 2009
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
"The Orange of Destiny!"
Just Like Riding a Bike...
We had an enjoyable Columbus Day. We rarely do "family outings" but we decided to meet up with Dane's family (all their kids got bikes for Christmas) at Grammy and Papa's house and ride bikes.
Our kids took their old sad and sorry looking scooters (we only have one "bike" and it is rusty and too small for even William). It was pretty clear that the scooters were not going to cut it. Jesse and Wyatt were very generous with their new bikes and Henry learned to ride.
We started by going down the grassy hill in the "park" across the street from my folks' house. The trick was getting to go fast enough to keep balanced and still keep the feet going on the pedals. It didn't take too long before Henry had it. Dad took him up and down the street a few times and he finally figured out how to get the speed he needed to stay vertical. There were a few falls, after a bit of practice, Henry and Wyatt took off around the park.We finally had to put a stop to them going because Henry was taking off by himself and didn't yet have quite the control to stay far enough to the side of the road to avoid being a traffic hazard.
William wandered around and alternated between the training wheels and the scooters and enjoyed going down the hill.
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Meet the Family
This is the Good family. Nicole (aka "Mom"), Regan, Arden, Henry, Dan (aka "Dad"), and William.
Everyone Else is Doing It
My Blog List
International Sand Sculpting Festival13 years ago
Natalie's Baby Shower13 years ago
Today's The Day16 years ago
The Dress Lady is Coming16 years ago