Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Dieting 2009

So, Dan and I have done it.  We have started dieting... again.  This time we have a different strategy--we are going to do it together!  What a novel concept right?  It seems like we have been on different motivation curves for most of our married lives (with the possible exception of the Atkins fad in the late 1990's).  This time we are doing it together.  No messing around!  We are couting points, we are watching portions, we are working out!  

Between the two of us we need to drop almost 200 lbs.  It is pathetic how fast we spiral out of control.  After several bouts with Weight Watchers, I thought I had a handle on portion size and how much I was eating.  Two days later and the cut in the number of calories that I am used to is making me light headed and CRANKY!  I had no idea I was so out of control.  I have been going to the gym religiously for a year with nothing to show but a 20 lb loss in the first 3 months.  I have tried dieting alone and I have tried exercise alone.  I guess there really is something about doing the two together.  This is the year!

The time of spending countless hours at the gym killing ourselves and not seeing any results because we come home and gorge ourselves on whatever junk food is withing easy reach is OVER! So help me this is going to work or it is going to kill me.

I am so hungry.


  1. I'm so glad you're blogging! It's fun, faster than scrapbooking, gives friends and family insight into your daily life, and it's a great stress reliever. The 'orange of destiny' is awesome, I didn't know William was so deep. :) I also followed a link on your blog to "that movie rocks" and it's very entertaining. Check out our blog when you have some time... And let me know if there's anything I can do with the slop swap that will help you eat healthier. I'm trying to eat more healthy too, and I wish you guys luck.

  2. Do it while you're young, at least younger. You'll be glad you did. It only gets harder as you age. The WW site has lots of helps and you can even join online only if meetings are too much to get to. Good luck. You can do it!!

  3. to commit to it publicly! That is courage! Good luck!

  4. Well good for you girl (and guy)! It sucks, but it's true, we do actually have to watch what we eat, SO LAME! Good luck with it all. I feel your pain, but it is slowly coming off over here, so I know it does work!

  5. Hey Nicole!
    Jill got a hold of our blog and in turn i made a reply and noticed your name, so here I am checking out your blog. I do like blogging. Being out here in Georgia it keeps me up to date with family and friends. Glad to see you jumped on the band wagon! I didn't even know you had Regan! congrats and I love the name.


