At our house we ALWAYS pray for the Bishopric. It has been so for years. At least as long as Dan has been a member of ours. It has become clear through this story that our children have absulutely NO IDEA what that concept means.
I served my mission in upstate NY at all the church history sites. While I was there, they began the massive project of renovating the Grandin Building where the Book of Mormon was published. As one of the "site sisters", I got lots of perks one of which was this brick. This is one of the original bricks that built the Grandin Publishing Building. Kind of a fun thing that has been sitting on a shelf out of sight and mind for some time.
The other day I was cleaning off some shelves. Arden came in and asked about the brick.
"Mom? What is that brick for?" I readied myself to show off one of my church history prizes and teach her a little, but before I could respond--"Oh, I know. That is to remind us of the bishopbrick."